This week’s quote is about having courage. Courage is having the ability to do something that scares you. It could be any number of things and the result is usually risky and unknown. Nebulous. It could end in failure. But it also poses the possibility of being better than you could have ever imagined. A little courage goes a long way. So muster up every little bit you can and do the thing you’re afraid to do. For me, all of my courage is being summoned, grabbed, and hoarded so I can use it to go to a conference for bloggers and creative entrepreneurs called Alt Summit that happens next week. It’s big, pricey, and full of really talented and big name people in the industry. But it’s also full of inspiration, education, and lots of people who have the same ambitions and dreams as me. I’ve wanted to go for years, and it’s the first time I have a blog and an online shop–so it’s now or never!
So let’s do this thing. Let’s go courage. We’re in for an adventure. What are you doing this week that you need to summon your courage? Maybe this printable will help. xo
This free printable is an 8″ x 10″. Check out the Free Gems page for more goodies!