It was a game changer for me. I’ve wanted to go to that conference since it was created in 2009. Every year I’d see the ads and wish I could go. But I didn’t. I didn’t think I was ready. I thought that I just wasn’t at the same level as everyone else. I didn’t have a shop, or a product, or even an inkling of an idea of what to sell. And I was totally scared of failing. Of feeling like a sham in front of all the amazing makers. It’s been hard to beat down that fear. But I’ve made a lot of progress in that department, and this year, six years, later, I made it. And you know what? It was amazing.
I found my people
I felt strong, helpful, knowledgeable, and happy in that small community of makers. The conference made me feel like this is where I was supposed to be, and that these things that I’m doing: writing, creating, making, crafting, sewing, sweating, crying, stressing, is worth it in so many ways because I’m doing something I truly enjoy. It’s who I am. I finally let myself–allowed myself–to be who I really am. Which is both scary and exhilarating.
Why is it so hard to become who you really are?
It takes a lot of courage to freakin’ grow up and be who you really are. There are so many pressures in life, internally and externally, that what you love to do, your dreams, who you are, can become blurry and take a back seat. Fear raises its ugly head. Worse yet, fear of failing engulfs you and makes you timid. Terrified. You have to be courageous to overcome fear. You have to grow. And learn. And all of that takes a lot of courage.
So tell me, who are you really?
That’s what this printable is all about, friends. My question for you is: who are you really? And what might you be hiding or scared to share about who you really are? I’m a maker, a writer, a problem solver, a creative entrepreneur, a stylist, a DIYer. I have a lot to offer the world! AND SO DO YOU. But it’s only going to happen if you stretch and grow and make peace with your fear. Be courageous. And be proud of who you are and what you love doing.
Who are you really? Who are you reaching and growing to become? And what can you do to find the courage to BE that person? Leave a comment below–I’d love to hear from you! It’s about community and supporting each other in our growing up. 😉 xo
This free printable is 8.5″ x 11″. Check out the Free Gems page for more printable goodies!
*Watercolor graphics via Angie Makes. This printable is for private use only. I would love it if you shared with your peeps, just credit me. Thanks!