I have some good news I’d like to share! Gold Standard Workshop was recently nominated by two wonderful bloggers for The Liebster Award! The award is a way of acknowledging bloggers and it provides the opportunity for people to discover new blogs. Amber @ In the Loop and Mads @ I’m Looking at Me! nominated me–thank you both so much!! I think your blogs are great and I’m so happy we’ve connected!
The best part is that it’s all about spreading the love! You get to learn a little more about me based on the questions below, and then check out the bloggers I’ve nominated at the bottom of my post to learn about them!
Here are the rules:
1) Thank and link the person that nominated you.
2) Answer the 11 questions asked by the person that nominated you.
3) Nominate 5-11 blogs with under 200 followers and link them. (I’m not sure where this is measured!)
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you nominate to answer. (You can use the questions I answered!)
5) Notify your nominees via social media.
1.) What is your blog about?
My blog focuses on the idea that life is a giant workshop and that you’re allowed to experiment and create things with intention and passion. This could be an outfit, DIY stationery, or a new career. Posts at the moment focus on style tips and DIY projects.
2.) What made you start a blog?
I’ve wanted to start a blog for many years and finally decided it was now or never. I love creating content and ideas that I can share and hopefully inspire people to try something new.
3.) What is your favorite color?
This seems to change a lot, but right now it’s mint and gold. And grey. Always grey.
4.) If you could splurge on one thing without any guilt or worry of the cost what would it be?
A three-week trip to Europe!
5.) Morning or night person?
That depends. I love getting up and going to estate sales on the weekend, but I always do my best work at night.
6.) What is the most listened to song on your playlist?
Mumford and Sons new song “The Wolf.” So good! But I will say I do miss the banjos.
7.) Name one thing that makes you unique?
This is a funny one, but I LOVE Twin Bing candy bars. I think I might be the only one in the U.S. who likes them. No one I know has ever heard of them and I can’t find them in Washington. In fact, my best friend bought me a box of 36 and sent them to me straight from the factory. They were gone in less than three months [insert embarrassed emoticon here].
8.) What is your dream job?
I’m working on that right now! I’m taking business classes and working to bust out as an entrepreneur. It’s definitely related to exactly what I talk about on my blog and on Instagram: DIY projects, style that expresses who you are, and pretty paper goods.
9.) What is your favorite day in your life so far?
This is the toughest one in the group! It might be the day I moved into my cute little apartment 4.5 years ago. That’s when I realized I could support myself and be completely on my own in Seattle.
10.) Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Europe and Hawaii are at the top of my list. But I think my favorite so far was a road trip across the South that had stops in Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, and Asheville. We called it the “Southern Sampler.” Absolutely beautiful cities.
11.) Who is someone you look up to (real or fictional)?
I look up to any woman who has her own business and is able to support herself doing something she loves. Someone who doesn’t settle and knows what is best for her well-being and success. I adore Tina Fey, Mindy Kahling, and Gwen Stefani. Girl power!
Well, that was fun! It’s my turn to pass this goodness along. I nominate:
Leanne @ C+C House
Camille @ Camille I Am
Ellie @ All the Gin Joints
Francine @ Francine’s Place
Kiki @ Color Me Kiki
I hope you have a lovely week!
Awww thank you so much for the nomination, that’s so nice of you! I really appreciate it! I’ll have to get started on this post 🙂
xo Kiki
You’re very welcome, Kiki! Your blog is adorable–love your style posts!
Thank you again for this nomination! I will do mine soon!
Have a super lovely weekend, dear!
xx Elisa
You’re very welcome!! Checking out your post now!