For the past year and a half, I’ve been making my own business cards. And because I love paper–the thicker the better–that meant I was gluing three layers together on top of printing and cutting! It was madness, even though I love the way they turned out.

But the time has come to outsource them because they’re just too time consuming. I wanted a new design to take with me to a conference called Paper Camp. I looked around and ended up ordering the Luxe cards by MOO and they’re fantastic! The weight and thickness of the paper is weighty and instantly noticeable. Plus, they have a black seam that runs along the middle of the card. Moo offers a range of seam colors to choose from. I took advantage of Printfinity, which allows you to customize the back side with up to 50 different designs! I used six different patterns for mine. Priceless, the cards are a bit of investment. But I think they’re worth it, especially for a first impression and perfect for networking and conferences.
I will definitely order them again. Tip: they’re always offering sales, so if you’re interested, keep your eyes open and place an order then. (PS, this isn’t a sponsored post, I just wanted to share my great experience!)
Still considering DIY? See my DIY business card post here!